Upright point-scanning confocal
- Objektives: 10x, 20x, 40x oil and 63x water
- Laser: 405, 488, 555 and 639
- 2 PMT
- Smart set up for choosing relevant filter + PMT setup

N. benthamiana leaf epidermal cells transiently expressing constructs encoding the fusion proteins CAMTA3_NnYFP and DSC1_NcYFP. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC): bright field, YFP and chlorophyll b auto-fluorescence (red).
Laser lines |
Beam splitters |
Emission |
Detectors |
405 | variable secondary dichoic (vsd) beamsplitter | a range of SP and LP filters | 2 PMT |
488 | variable secondary dichoic (vsd) beamsplitter | a range of SP and LP filters | 2 PMT |
555 |
variable secondary dichoic (vsd) beamsplitter |
a range of SP and LP filters |
2 PMT |
639 |
variable secondary dichoic (vsd) beamsplitter |
a range of SP and LP filters |
2 PMT |
Upright point-scanning confocal LSM700, Zeiss
North campus, Biocenter, Ole Maalløes vej 5, building 3, first floor, room 448. (3.1.48)
Typical applications
Live imaging of cells and tissues, (co-) localisation of fluorochromes and fluorescent proteins, 3D confocal imaging (xyz, xyt). FRET and FRAP
Training and problem reporting
Online via PPMS.